Wallop is pretty slick

Ok, I’m a fan.  For the past few days I’ve been messing with Wallop, and I am a fan.  For starters, the text editor for the blog component reminds me of OneNote in that you can pretty much drag and drop text, images, music and the like where ever you want it to go.  Try doing that in your standard rich text editor 😛  Another nice feature is the network browser.  Maybe I’m just a sucker for visualizations, but essentially you get to form little groups of people in your network and it displays their avatar.  People outside your network, are exactly that.  They appear outside of your circle.  To get a better sense of what I mean, check out some of the screens captured by Don Dodge (thanks for the tip/invite Lawrence!)

Anyway, I’ll be exploring more of the features on Wallop.  As I run across things of note, I’ll be sure to post it here.

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